Friday, April 4, 2008

The randomness of arbitrary haphazardness

Free, random, quotes for your email signature. Courtesy of your pal, me.
The time is now to do as you wish, just don't be late wishing.If it takes more than 3 people to do, make sure one is a lady.

Walking under bridges is better than burning them because you won't fall through.

When your head is in the clouds, watch out for helicopters.

A man in need of a women stays lonely. A woman in need of a women probably ran out of tampons.

The walk in the woods that ends at the river may lead to enlightenment as long as you can swim. If you cannot, try to use the bridge.

Understand what people are saying between words. If you do not, make it up.

If you need the love of others to feel complete, make sure there is someone who you can love and make them love you. If they do not, you may not feel complete.

When making spaghetti, make sure you cook the noodles.

Without money in your pocket the coffee shop hates you.

Aspire to be better than you are now. Later, you can look back to see how much of an ass you were.

If traffic makes you angry, try pulling off on the side of the road and walking. That'll really piss you off.

Never mention the words "I love you" on the first date if you want to get laid.

Three bartenders walk into a church. One has a bottle of gin, one a bottle of scotch, the last a empty bottle of wine. The preacher says, "You forgot the 14 year old boy."

If you travel back in time to the place you loved the most, remember to write down the lottery numbers.


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