Friday, June 28, 2013

This Article Is Completely Unrelated To The Facebook Post Above

One thing about the human mind is that reality is often perceived differently by each individual. With social media being considered a news source, our thoughts are being manipulated by what our friends and colleagues pass around as fact without any research.

The truth of the matter is much more disturbing. Forget about the gun debate and whether the president is one religion or another. The fact is that we are all being duped from within the deepest recesses of the internet itself from a shadow organization that releases disinformation and propaganda to create panic and chaos. The internet itself was championed by Al Gore to help further the spread of such false information so that the organization's New World Order could proliferate.

While at Harvard University, Gore became a member of the secret Freemasons; created by Roscoe Pound who was also a member of the Society of Innocents. These organizations, while not exactly a secret to the general population, are indeed sub-organizations of a much larger, more sinister organization: the Illuminati.

The fact that the Illuminati control the internet can be proven by the Wikipedia page. For an organization that has such a long, fabled history, you'd expect they'd have much more about them. The Illuminati not only control the content on Wikipedia, they created the site.
Wikipedia Logo

They've even hidden the symbolism within the logo itself. You can see that the logo is a globe of multicultural symbolism that represents their New World Order philosophy. The missing pieces clearly represent what they choose to remove from our world. Part of solving the mystery of the Illuminati's plan is determining the missing pieces of the puzzle that is Wikipedia's Logo. While they will lead you to believe the logo was created by Paul Stansifer as part of a contest, they clearly used this as a ruse to mislead their users.

Another fact about globes is that our Earth is a globe. Wikipedia clearly uses this symbolism to almost dangle the answer in our faces like a carrot in front of a donkey. Only the smartest of us can be lead to the answers, however, we tow a heavy burden behind us. This burden is the knowledge of our true rulers: the Alien Overlords.

The Alien Overlords have been controlling the Earth and it's population for thousands of years. As part of their interplanetary travels, Earth was a stopping point between destinations where they found early species of humans that they were able to easily control due to their small, undeveloped brains. As the Overlords used the humans merely as slaves, many began to realize the potential of the species and worked to develop their brains. They used their own DNA to speed up this progress and began to help lead the early humans into free thinking.

One of the first things that they needed to keep the humans from rebelling against their masters was the idea of religion. The Overlords created myths based on simple explanations for such things as where they came from and how they were able to travel through space. Early humans asked many questions as they learned, and the complexity of the alien society only confused them. By making themselves gods and creating fantastic stories, the humans were able to understand by not questioning more difficult things.

Over time, the Overlords slowly left on their journey but many stayed behind. The ones that stayed behind vowed to watch and care for the humans while remaining hidden from them. A secret society was formed and maintained by them to help control the quickly growing population. During the course of time, the society allowed the different societies to form and create new governments and religions while still maintaining their New World Order.

There is an agenda and Al Gore is helping it along. However, there has been an uprising between the original Alien Overlords and their originating species that is playing out on our soil. I'll continue that conversation on my entry.