In all my life I have never voted until yesterday. And I voted for Obama.
One of the main reasons I voted is because of all the over-zealous people who think they know Obama. I felt like I had to call them out as being wrong. I am convinced that certain groups of people make up stories and pass them along as fact, which in turn are passed on as fact to someone else within that group.
Take, for instance, a coworker who is extremely religious. He believes that Obama's stance on abortion "will lead the country to another Holocaust like Nazi Germany." Then, there are the people who are saying that Obama is Muslim. I am not arguing that he is or is not. I am arguing that not every Muslim is a terrorist. As not every African-American is a street thug. As not every National Rifle Association member is a redn... well, that one is probably true....
All the media networks have been following the candidates in their own way, as have the American people. I spoke to someone who was going to vote for McCain because they "felt" it was right. When I pressed for what it was that made them feel that way, there was no answer. But when I asked, "what is it you have against Obama to make you vote McCain?"
I was answered with, "you know he's Muslim and a Marxist?"
"Do you know what a Marxist is?"
"A communist?"
I voted for Obama, and I am confident that we will not have a Holocaust, nor will terrorist take over the White House. I voted because narrow minded people could have voted based misconceptions, racism, and religious brainwashing. I voted for Obama because all the people who read about Marxism on Wikipedia. I voted once so the vote of hillbilly America would be offset.
And, I thought Obama's campain slogan "Change we need" that hung on his podium read like Yoda was saying it. Try it. Yoda is wise.